
The Policy Committee works to support, improve, or streamline policy that impacts the food system in San Mateo County. Previous work has included advancing the implementation and adoption of AB 551 (Urban Agriculture Incentives Zone Act), SB 1383 (Edible Food Waste Reduction and Recovery), and AB 1616 (California Homemade Food Act). The committee meets on an ad hoc basis. The Policy Committee is also keeping abreast of ongoing policy considerations such as Market Match, soda excise taxes, and other topics that concern equitable food policy in San Mateo County.

Members of the Committee:
Wei-Ting Chen, Stanford University
Nickie Irvine, San Mateo County Beekeeper’s Guild
Sheldon Lew, San Mateo County Environmental Health Services
Zia MacWilliams, Second Harvest Silicon Valley
Adelaide Nye, Resident
Andy Ollove, Fresh Approach
Peter Ruddock, California Food Policy Council
Justin Watkins, San Mateo County Health
Terry Witzel, Resident
Wendy Chou, Acterra